Introduction to Behavioural Gerontology Online Course (2 BACB CEUs)

ceus Jul 02, 2021

We are so excited to announce that not only are PACT authorised as a continuing education provider by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board, but that we have also launched our first course an introduction to behavioural gerontology!

Watch this brief video to see more about the course.

We have designed our introduction to behavioural gerontology course specifically for 

  • BCBAs/BCaBAs/RBTs who work with other populations e.g., people with ASD or IDD but would like to move into work with older adults.
  • Students of ABA who want to learn about applications of ABA outside of early intervention.
  • Behaviour Analysts who love their work with another population, but who love learning about  applications of ABA with other populations.

Some prior knowledge of ABA is assumed- we will use terms like reinforcement, stimulus control, and MOs without definition. No prior knowledge of work with older adults is needed to enjoy the course!

You can earn 2 BACB CEUs for completing the course!

The course is separated into six sections: 

  1. Course Introduction - Here we welcome you to the course, introduce ourselves so you know who your instructors are, and give you an overview of the course content. 
  2. Context of behavioural gerontology - In this section we teach you about the field's origins, how we define behavioural gerontology, where we work, who we work with and how many (or few) behavioural gerontologists there are!
  3. Increasing and maintaining behaviour - Here we teach you about the importance of increasing engagement in older adults, how we increase skills that are already in an older adult's repertoire, how and when we teach new skills to older adults, and the importance of maintaining skills in this population. 
  4. Decreasing behaviour - Here we cover the topographies of challenging behaviour seen in our work, what excess disability is and why it's vital that behavioural gerontologists rule it out, managing sexual behaviour in older adults, and the effects of medication, polypharmacy and chemical restraint. We finish by touching on functional analysis. 
  5. Further considerations - In this final content section, we cover some of the specific issues that need to be addressed with this population in contrast with other populations. Topics include ageism, elderspeak, contextual learning history and death and dying. 
  6. Final thoughts - We finish the course by sharing with you the reasons we love working with older adults and some of the work we've done that has made a huge impact on our client's lives. 

if you want to know more, you can find the FAQs by following the link below:

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